What does a Background Check entail?
When most people think of a background check they think of a simple criminal history check. In reality, a background check is much more than that. It’s the process by which you find your best candidate by looking at, yes, criminal records, but also education and employment history, consumer profile, references, etc. Each is a very important piece of the puzzle.
What does a background check look for?
A background check helps your company stay safe through the criminal history check. It helps ensure that applicants can do what they claim they can through employment and education verification. It verifies that applicants are who they claim to be.
Background screenings, background checks, pre-employment screenings – call them what you will, they help protect your company, your employees, and your clients.
How do we start using background screenings through NeVeTeC
- Complete the Credit Application to open your account. Send to accounts@nevetec.co.za
- You will be able to do comprehensive background screening that includes, criminal clearances, fingerprint ID verifications (new), qualification verifications, and previous employment verifications and more. Book your screening online, email call@nevetec.co.za or contact us 021 911 5338 / 011 813 4187
- Choose to make use of our Call-Out Service or Walk-In Centers. Locate an Agent or Office near you here.
- For Criminal Clearances, we need to take electronic fingerprints.
- If you don’t need to do a Criminal Clearance you simply e-mail an indemnity (tick what checks need to be done), qualification, with ID to verifications@nevetec.co.za
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